Thursday 2 March 2017

Fw: Witches Don’ t Use Cats For Any Evil Deeds , Nollywood Movie Has Destroyed Nigerians Mentality

People as always been saying this gibberish word for a long time that cats are the most easiest animal for witches and wizards to manifest.
Ever since the existence on Nollywood movie and their unglamorous movies about witches and wizard, they poisoned we Nigerians mentality by using cats for their evil deeds.
Cats is an aminal with friendly look and adorable behaviour which everyone will love to have in one way or the other. And to the Yorubas, they said cats help in blocking any sickness or any evil sent from enemies.
Now let's take a sharp look at some Nollywood movies, there are these movies titled "Ologbo Iya Agba (The Old Woman's Cat)" and "Ologbo Alake (Alake's Cat) etc. With no doubt if one should watch these movies your mentality will be 100% poisoned but with no dulling and an internet guru with a lot of research about cats, you will know that Nollywood really convince Nigerians with their scramble movies.
A professional veterinarian made it clear to us that cats are the most adorable pet ever and you don't need to bath them, if they had a stain it will be cleared within few hours and cats don't get sick if not for a reason. They also added that cats don't like seeing his/her owner sad or crying he/she will have four times of that sadness.
Checkout the top 10 benefits of owning a cat below;
Reduces stress and anxiety: Owning a cat can can be soothing and trigger calming chemicals in the body, decreasing stress and anxiety levels. Cats are known for being low-maintenance, so a simple petting session is often enough to relax owners and distract them from other worries.
Decreases risk of stroke: Studies show that cat owners are less likely to be at risk for having a stroke than any other pet owner. Scientists speculate this is also because of a cat's low-maintenance ownership.
Therapeutic benefits: The calming effect of owning a cat triggers the release of oxytocin, the hormone known for inducing feelings of love and trust. People going through difficult times of grief or mourning report that talking to their pet helps work out their feelings, since it is often easier to talk to something that won't respond and can't judge than to another human being. In addition, a study found that children with autism were more likely to be less anxious and calm while petting a cat.
Boosts immunity: Exposure to pet dander and fur in the house results in increased resistance to allergens, decreasing risk for allergies and asthma.
Lowers blood pressure: Cat owners are known to have lower blood pressure than non-cat owners due to the calming presence cats provide. One study was conducted with a room full of cat owners. In the study, the owners would speak aloud, which naturally elevated blood pressure levels, but when the owners were observed speaking with their cats, their blood pressure remained constant.
Decreases risk of heart disease and heart attacks: A study conducted by the University of Minnesota's Stroke Institute in Minneapolis have shown that those who do not own cats are 30-40% more likely to die of heart attacks than their cat-owning counterparts.
Lowers triglycerides and cholesterol levels: High triglyceride and cholesterol levels contribute to heart disease and are symptomatic of type 2 diabetes as well as strokes, liver and kidney disease. Naturally, reductions in these levels lead to a decreased risk in these diseases.
Increase sociability: Cat ownership provides a natural conversation starter and can enhance the owner's ability to socialize. One study revealed that women were more attracted to men who owned cats because cat ownership often suggests sensitivity and intelligence.
Provide companionship: Owning a cat reduces feelings of loneliness. Though cats are often known for their independence, the bond between a cat and its owner reinforces companionship. A Swiss study conducted in 2003 revealed that owning a cat is similar to having a romantic partner.
Reduces your carbon footprint: A 2009 study found that over its lifetime, the resources needed to feed a dog make the same eco-footprint as that of a Hummer. Meanwhile, cats—which eat less in general and are more likely to eat fish than corn or beef flavored products—only have the approximate carbon footprint of a Volkswagen Golf.
We've actually come to an end of this brief discussion about cats.
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